Socialist Groundhog Day

socialism politics rant

Do you know what I think about you socialists? You critique the government because it doesn’t accept your utopic ideas. You come, overthrow governments, try to implement your idealistic ideologies and fail, creating instead a more tyrannical state that the one before. And then you wake up a few decades later to say that what came before was not socialism.

It’s a kind of Socialist Groundhog Day, except Bill Murray doesn’t become a better person, but he stays just as idiotic.

Original message in romanian [Click]

Știi ce cred despre voi, socialiștii? Criticați guvernul că nu acceptă ideile voastre utopice. Veniți, da-ți jos guverne, încercați să implementați ideologiile voastre nerealiste și eșuați, creând în schimb un stat mai tiranic ca cel de dinainte. Și apoi că treziți după câteva decenii să spuneți că ceea ce a fost înainte, nu a fost socialism.

E ca un fel de Groundhog Day socialist, doar că Bill Murray nu devine o persoană mai bună, ci rămâne la fel de idiot.


While this is indeed a improved version of a message I once sent, it doesn’t quite accurately represent my opinions.
The comment presents a very simplified timeline in which socialism was a complete failure, failing to accomplish anything, which would be stupid to say even as someone that lives in a country whose people have seen the horrors of such governmental systems.

Even if messages like the one presented at the start of the article may sound nice and provide a powerful rhetoric for a politician of some sorts, it’s important to not let yourself convinced by nice looking analogies.
Analogies don’t represent the real world.